Solar Project Completed – School

✅project completed

✅client generating mega watts

✅client freed from load shedding

✅client saving on monthly electricity bill

Diverso is very fond of schools – we help schools to be as efficient as possible in the most practical way! Our printers are the vehicles that carry the teaching material from the teacher to the students’ books: worksheets, book covers, letters, forms and obviously tests and examination papers. For this particular school in Stellenbosch, Diverso installed a huge solar system for their sports center as well as the hostel.

Diverso believes in teaching and training and we are particularly convinced that early childhood development is the crucial window to lay the right foundations to ensure that education in the years to follow, will be built on a solid foundation. That is why servicing schools with our printers, office automation products and solar and backup systems makes us so proud! We are supporting the causes we want to see grow stronger and we believe our excellent products and efficient service allows schools to hone their focus on the most important thing – teaching children. If we can take a load off teachers’ back, we will. And what better way than to ensure the printer is printing and the lights and computers can be switched on?! Viva education!

Diverso Technology (Pty) Ltd

2 Delson Circle
Somerset West Business Park
Somerset West
Western Cape

PVGreenCard in the Bag

Training, Growing and Performing is part of Diverso’s DNA! Attending training courses to develop as individuals, professionals, team members and employees makes our team stronger and more proficient in providing the best possible service to our community of clients. Well done, Adrian, for taking your skillset to the next level! It’s official – the GREEN […]

Monthly Inspo

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Our panels weathered the storm

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