Quotes for Solar

If you are seriously considering switching to generating your own electricity via solar panels and kicking over to your backup battery system when load shedding is spoiling everyone else’s fun, you are in good company!

Our Business Developers – Hennie, Ettienne, Chris and Raubie as well as our Energy Solutions Manager, Carel, are just a call or an email away to arrange a site visit for you.

Honesty, integrity and trust are three words that are commonly used especially by marketers, but are they legit? Diverso is built on mutual trust relationships and the photo’s we use on our social platforms are real and authentic – real people, real stock, real projects.

We understand that there is a client with a need and a product as solution – Diverso is what connects you to your solution! We understand office automation and we understand energy solutions and we are excited and equipped to get you onboard!

For energy solutions, we recommend a site visit to be conducted in order to determine the unique specs for your required system. Then a quotation – for a cash sale or rental option – will be an accurate reflection on which you can make an informed decision.

ASK US at sales@diverso.co.za | 021 851 0533

Our office in Somerset West Business Park runs on solar power, come visit us, have a cuppa and be amazed at the savings you will discover.

See you soon …

Diverso Technology (Pty) Ltd

2 Delson Circle
Somerset West Business Park
Somerset West
Western Cape

PVGreenCard in the Bag

Training, Growing and Performing is part of Diverso’s DNA! Attending training courses to develop as individuals, professionals, team members and employees makes our team stronger and more proficient in providing the best possible service to our community of clients. Well done, Adrian, for taking your skillset to the next level! It’s official – the GREEN […]

Monthly Inspo

This morning at our April monthly get together, we were inspired, motivated and encouraged by a navy seal trainer and a renowned Hollywood actor who know how to take hardships and turn them into growth. Have you heard Admiral William H. McRaven’s motivational speech titled the same as his book, “Make Your Bed”? He says, […]


Our panels weathered the storm

Home owners, the COCT, disaster management, gardeners, maintenance crews and office managers are still working through the wreckage and damages caused by the past weekend’s storm and black south easter winds around the Cape coastal areas. A storm, physically or metaphorically, has the ability to test the weakest part of any system. You have probably […]

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